a wall with a bunch of different colored squares
a wall with a bunch of different colored squares

02_Graphic_design 2D/3D

02_ Graphic_design2D/3D

Cette partie du portfolio présente mes réalisations graphiques 2D et 3D, pour lesquelles j’ai assuré la direction artistique et réalisé la grande majorité des visuels. J’ai une maîtrise des outils de la Creative Cloud, de Blender et de l’IA, qui m’ont permis de donner vie à ces designs.

This section of the portfolio showcases my 2D and 3D graphic creations, for which I provided art direction and produced the majority of the visuals. I have a command of the Creative Cloud, Blender, and AI tools, which enabled me to bring these designs to life.


a bottle of beer that is sitting on a table
a bottle of beer that is sitting on a table
